archived R/likSISMA1.R

# likSISMA1 = function(theta, data,ARMAorder, CountDist){
#   MargParmIndices = switch(CountDist,
#                            "Poisson"             = 1,
#                            "Negative Binomial"   = 1:2,
#                            "Mixed Poisson"       = 1:3,
#                            "Generalized Poisson" = 1:2,
#                            "Binomial"            = 1:2)
#   # retrieve marginal cdf
#   cdf = switch(CountDist,
#                "Poisson"                       = ppois,
#                "Negative Binomial"             = function(x, theta){ pnbinom(q = x, size = theta[1], prob = 1-theta[2]) },
#                "Mixed Poisson"                 = pMixedPoisson,
#                "Generalized Poisson"           = pGenPoisson,
#                "Binomial"                      = pbinom
#   )
#   # retrieve marginal pdf
#   pdf = switch(CountDist,
#                "Poisson"                       = dpois,
#                "Negative Binomial"             = function(x, theta){ dnbinom(x, size = theta[1], prob = 1-theta[2]) },
#                "Mixed Poisson"                 = dMixedPoisson,
#                "Generalized Poisson"           = dGenPoisson,
#                "Binomial"                      = dbinom
#   )
#   #set.seed(1)
#   theta1.idx = MargParmIndices
#   theta2.idx = ARMAorder[1]
#     #set.seed(1)
#     theta1 = theta[theta1.idx]
#     n.theta1.idx = theta1.idx[length(theta1.idx)] # num params in theta1
#     theta2.idx = (n.theta1.idx + 1):(n.theta1.idx + 1)
#     tht = theta[theta2.idx]
#     xt = data
#     T1 = length(xt)
#     N = 5 # number of particles
#     prt = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particles
#     wgh = matrix(0,N,T1) # to collect all particle weights
#     a = qnorm(cdf(xt[1]-1,theta1),0,1)
#     b = qnorm(cdf(xt[1],theta1),0,1)
#     a = rep(a,N)
#     b = rep(b,N)
#     zprev =,b)
#     rt0 = 1+tht^2
#     zhat = tht*zprev/rt0
#     prt[,1] = zhat
#     wprev = rep(1,N)
#     wgh[,1] = wprev
#     for (t in 2:T1)
#     {
#       rt0 = 1+tht^2-tht^2/rt0 # This is based on p. 173 in BD book
#       rt = sqrt(rt0/(1+tht^2))
#       a = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t]-1,theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#       b = (qnorm(cdf(xt[t],theta1),0,1) - zhat)/rt
#       err =,b)
#       znew = zhat + rt*err
#       zhat = tht*(znew-zhat)/rt0
#       prt[,t] = zhat
#       wgh[,t] = wprev*(pnorm(b,0,1) - pnorm(a,0,1))
#       wprev = wgh[,t]
#     }
#     lik = pdf(xt[1],theta1)*mean(wgh[,T1])
#     nloglik = (-2)*log(lik)
#     out = if ( Inf else nloglik
#     return(out)
# }
jlivsey/countsFun documentation built on March 9, 2023, 5:19 p.m.